About Big Local

Big Local is an exciting opportunity for residents in 150 areas around England to use at least £1m to make a massive and lasting positive difference to their communities. It’s about bringing together all the local talent, ambitions, skills and energy from individuals, groups and organisations who want to make their area an even better place to live. Big Local nationally is being run by Local Trust, which is working with over £200m from the Big Lottery Fund and a range of partners providing expert advice and support for residents. The four programme outcomes for Big Local are:

  1. Communities will be better able to identify local needs and take action in response to them.
  2. People will have increased skills and confidence, so that they continue to identify and respond to needs in the future.
  3. The community will make a difference to the needs it prioritises.
  4. People will feel that their area is an even better place to live.

What Big Local is NOT about: It’s NOT about the local authority, the government or a national organisation telling us what to do. It’s NOT about individual groups fixing their favourite problem without talking to a wide range of different people who live and work in the community. It’s NOT about short-term thinking – we have 10 years or more to plan and deliver the best options for our area.